The Father says: “I magnify My Word above all My Name.”
There, in the beginning, before time existed, the Father beholds His Son, raised in glory above all of Himself, and suddenly God stops, stunned, unable to believe what He sees. Suddenly, the Father, looking through the Son, catches a glimpse of the most beautiful thing in the entire universe. That’s it. It’s all over for God. God falls head over heels in love.
God sees me, Daniel Yordy. God sees me, _____________________, (put your own name in the blank), and His heart leaps into His throat. He can hardly believe His eyes. Yet there I am, the image of God’s glory, the reflection of all that God is. There I am, Beauty and Might revealed. God will not rest another moment until He has me as His bride and friend, as His son and companion forever. In that moment time is.
God immediately counseled together with Himself. All the dynamics of God spun in fierce excitement. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit were in full agreement. They all knew they wanted me, that they would do whatever it took, pay any price, bear any cost, suffer any loss, endure any hardship. None of it mattered, each of Them would do the assigned task. God determined in His heart, right from the beginning, that He will win me as His own. And so the Father looked steadfastly at the me He sees from the beginning.
He gazed deeply at all that I am as He sees me in the end. He knows me, every part of me in my completed state. He knows my glory, my beauty, my strength. He looks fully and deeply at me and sees His own Son. He sees
the reflection of Himself in all of His fullness.
The Father motioned, “Are you ready?” “I am ready,” the Son replied. As God opened His mouth to speak, the Son, the Word God speaks, leaped forth to fulfill the determined purpose of God. God CALLED into
existence that awesome creature that bears His image, and in that moment I was conceived in my mother’s womb.
I exist now, because God called what He sees I am into existence.
And here I am, sitting in my chair, reading this book. Here I am, beset by weakness and limitation, sorrow and loss. Here I am, stumbling and falling short of God’s glory, my face so often covered in mud. Here I sit, seeing
myself as weak and fleshy, torn and divided, fully aware of my sin and my shame.
But suddenly, I sit up and take notice. “Could it be? Is it really possible that I am not who I imagine myself to be? Could it be that I am something very different from what I ‘see’ when I look at myself right now?”
I stop, suspended for a moment, and then the question flames in my mind. “If this that I ‘see’ myself to be is not who I am, then, for God’s sake, WHO AM I?”
And if I have to look at something invisible to see who I really am, if the visible things I see of myself are not telling me the truth, then how on earth do I know who I am? How do I get from here to there? What is my guide?
Where is reality found?
God, from the very beginning, determined that I would be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be, not one solitary person, but the firstborn among many brethren.
And in the moment when God called me, the final me I really am, into existence, He justified me of every shortcoming I would ever know, and He glorified me forever in WHO I AM.
And the secret of who I am is right there, fully in the open, staring me right in the face my whole life.
Who I am is nothing more and nothing less than who Jesus is in me. To know myself, I simply look at Jesus. To know what I do, I simply look at what He does. Whatever He thinks, how He lives, whatever He does, that is what the real me does, that is how I live.
Jesus lives in me!
- Daniel Yordy