Thursday, September 29, 2022
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Saturday, September 10, 2022
It is time for you to live deeply. It is time to “disappear” from surface living and reappear in the depths of God.
The only way you will ever satisfy your being, is to satisfy it with more, deeper, better, higher and more beautiful BEING. Whoever thought we could satisfy our being with more “stuff” and more “things” had no idea about the nature of Reality.
The world is suffering from a lack of depth. We have lots of “stuff”, but no depth. We are really good at creating lots and lots of “stuff”, but we really suck at exploring depth.
When I speak about depth, I am talking about ontological depth. By definition, DEEP means, “far down below the surface”. Most people live exclusively on the surface of their personality or persona.
They spend their life on the surface of thoughts, feelings, desires, beliefs, etc., never getting down into the sources and headwaters of these inner energies. They can name every player on their favorite sports team, but don’t have a clue about where their own thoughts come from or what makes up their own being.
Being “deep” isn’t a philosophical statement; it’s a REMEDY for our times.
We need help to go deep. The truth is that we are “broken” in our ability to go deep. That is what sin is. It is a holding pattern in shallowness. It has caused a broken capacity in us to be deep. It leaves us trying to take a bath in a millimeter deep puddle! That is where Christ comes in. His Spirit can take us into the depths. He can baptize us into the ocean deep of God’s Being and allow us to, not only clean up there, but to live there.
“For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” I Corinthians 2:10 NKJV
Another translation says,
“God's Spirit has shown you everything. His Spirit finds out everything, even what is deep in the mind of God.” ~1 Corinthians 2:10 CEV
Depth of being can only be found in God's Being, because He is the only original, infinitely perfect and eternally complete Being. It takes God’s Being to satisfy and consummate our being. Christ's life was a testimony of this message. His life embodied this depth:
“I can do nothing on my own authority; I judge only as God tells me, so my judgment is right, because I am not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants.” ~John 5:30 GNT
This is the depth we need. A new realm of life and authority. Not living from a little isolated “me”, but living out of God Himself.
Through the Son, you and I are offered a new depth of being to live in. God’s depth brings us into our proper human depth, allowing us to live below the surface of the world and deep within the Spirit of God.
The only way out of this insane world is by going deeper into your heart where God’s Life unfolds. The way out, is in.
So much of human life has been narrowed by selfishness, suppressed by religion and scripted by shallow secular values, that it is hard to comprehend that the largest dimension of our life has never even been seen, let alone explored, enjoyed and lived.
Going deep is a lonely place. It’s resplendent pastures, revitalizing streams and glorious peaks of Revelation are not on any tourist maps. The masses avoid it like a plague. Few people will follow, befriend or even like you when you choose to take your life into the deep things of God and live there. It is unsettling to surface dwellers. It exposes the vanity of living in the insanity of the shallows.
Going deep into your life means abandoning the surface world of the ego where most people have take up permanent residence.
Shallow is the only language of surface dwellers. Vanity is their motto. Ego drama is their only storyline.
People will think you have abandoned them when you “turn in your citizenship” to the ego and take out a new identity in the depths. People think you don’t like them when you don’t play in the shallow puddles with them. Little do they know that your life is both a trumpet call to wake them up and a caring hand to lift them out.
Yes, when you make a commitment to the depths, you will be maligned and misunderstood. It is an unavoidable truth for world changers...
“They will ban you from the synagogues. In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering service to God.” ~John 16:2 CSB
“Everyone will hate you because of me.” ~Luke 21:17 GNT
What your haters don’t know is that your depth is providing a way out of the shallows. You are being a real leader, taking the way of escape where all must eventually follow. The truth is that it is only in the deep places of the spirit that anyone can actually love and embrace every living thing truthfully and compassionately at its Source.
We have to move from outer shallow attraction to deeper inner attention. And the “heretics” who do that now are actually the hero’s of tomorrow. They are the ones whose paths – though considered crazy and unpractical now – will be eagerly sought for when the frail surface world begins to shatter.
Beloved, don’t be lost in the glitter and appeal of “surface world”. It’s “humpty dumpy” is about to have a great fall and none of the kings of the earth will be able to put it back together again. Something new is being birthed in the depths. And you are invited there.
God alone can baptize you into the satisfying depths of Being where you belong. You will never truly discover yourself in shallow world, because your true self doesn’t live there. 95% of what you are lives in another realm with Christ. Isn’t it about time you find yourself there.
Turn in your citizenship to shallow world.
Come live in the depths of God, which just happens to be your own.
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