“We have only to track the divine footsteps of the Redeemer on earth, there
to behold ‘as in a mirror the glory of the Lord.’ What do we see?
A Being, indeed, of infinite holiness—unsparing and uncompromising in His
rebuke of iniquity, sternly denouncing sin in all its forms, driving with a
scourge the sacrilegious traffickers from His Father’s house, proclaiming the
impending and certain doom awaiting incorrigible sinners, the workers of
iniquity; even predicting by discourse and parable the dreadful verities of a
judgment-day, and pronouncing everlasting doom on the impenitent and
unbelieving; on all traitors to their trust, on all neglectors and squanderers
of committed talents; thus repeating, in words not to be misunderstood, the very
truth which fell on the ears of Moses in his Rock-cleft, as the sublime voice
and vision were dying away—‘And that will by no means clear the guilty.’
But yet, in combination with this, we are called to contemplate one of
infinite purity, beneficence, tenderness; whose delight was to feed the hungry,
to heal the diseased, to help the helpless, to comfort the bereaved; feeling for
them; weeping for them-—in His parables, giving a welcome to the Prodigal; in
His daily communion, never scorning a suppliant’s request, or a penitent’s
tears; listening, even in His expiring agonies, to a cry for mercy from a felon
at His side; accepting the widow’s mite; making generous allowance for the lack
of watchfulness at His own greatest crisis-hour on the part of trusted
disciples; pardoning, with the tenderest of rebukes, the aggravated sin of a
faithless follower; the prayer, trembling on His dying lips, of forgiveness for
His murderers.
Reader! take in, at a glance, this wide comprehensive view of the Savior’s
life and ministry, and in it you have a picture and impersonation of the
character of God. ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men.’ ‘From
henceforth,’ says Christ, pointing to Himself, ‘You know the Father, and have
seen Him.’”
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