How our relationship with God and with people be influenced if we
didn't base our sense of spirituality on the observanc of religious rules and
regulations, man-made denominated doctrines, attending Sunday-go-event-driven
meetings, but instead was based on God Himself?
If we would be more open to hear the voice of God's Spirit for
ourselve if our minds were not influenced and channeled by the pastor's
spiritual understanding all the time? Would the joy of our salvation light up
with truth by not having to submit all the revelation that God gives to us
PERSONALLY under the authority of what is preached over the "sacred
What would happen if church was not contained within four walls of a
building and confined to programmed-event-driven meetingings, denominated
agendas, not a one-man showmanship event, and instead in our daily liviing of
life we glorified God by demonstrating the love and grace to the across our path
people we rub sholders with daily?
What would it be like to see the Community of the Redeemed as an
every-member-functioning organism, a living, breathing creature who cannot
fulfill its function in the Community of Humanity when 99% of its members are
required to sit down passively and believe what they are being spoon fed by the
man-apointed, man-anointed leader to share it with the sinners of the
Mmmmm...I wonder......
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