My church is going to be having a baptism
soon, so the last time I preached, I touched upon the subject of baptism as it
is developed in Romans 6. There I saw that the reality of baptism includes a
mysterious, mystical union with Christ, a union by virtue of which the baptized
person dies to sin and comes alive to God in Jesus Christ. Just as Christ had
incarnated and taken upon himself a human nature such as ours, and yet through
his death and resurrection the power of sin within that nature was destroyed and
defeated, so also we are united to Christ in baptism and experience to some
extent that same victory over sin within us.
Now certainly there is the
mystical element of baptism that Paul discusses in Rom 6. There is further the
changes in identity which come along with baptism as it is discussed briefly in
Gal 3.24-9. But perhaps for those to be baptized it is important to ask a more
basic question: what is Christianity? If we are going to be baptizing persons to
become Christians, we ought to have some kind of answer to the question of what
this Christianity is into which they are being initiated through
If you listen to some persons talk, you might get the impression
that Christianity is a set of rules to be obeyed until death so that you can win
for yourself a favorable afterlife. You don't drink, you don't smoke, you don't
chew, you don't go with girls that do, and you keep these and a number of other
rules as best as you can. Then, when you die, if you were good enough, you will
be allowed to enter into heaven and enjoy the rest of eternity in bliss and
Other persons talk about Christianity as if it were a system
of beliefs and doctrines to be affirmed with rigid, immutable fidelity. If you
are a Christian, you believe x, y, and z, and you reject as
dangerously heretical everyone who denies these things. There is no room for
discussion, no room for disagreement -- either you believe and you are saved, or
you are not. Moreover, you cannot put too great an emphasis on what people do in
order to be saved, because people can't be good anyway; the point is to
I think both of these groups -- caricatures, I admit -- are
mistaken. I think Christianity ought to be understood differently. I myself have
a different understanding of Christianity. Furthermore I think all persons who
are seeking baptism should be careful to understand Christianity properly, since
the baptismal step they are taking is an important one. They are, by their own
admittance, renouncing their former life and the deceits of the devil; they had
better be doing this out of sincerity, less the event of their public baptism
have been done in vain and become a spectacle. How do I understand Christianity,
Now I have been in seminary for a year now, and I have really been
enjoying it. One of the things I've particularly enjoyed about my seminary
education is the connection that I have with the other students. I did my
undergraduate degree at Arizona State University studying philosophy, and one of
the difficulties of that was the very arid, secular environment of the
philosophy department. I was among the very few who were Christians, and most of
the time I found I had very little in common with my fellow students. There was
little to talk about with them, since we disagreed on more or less everything I
thought was important. Our worldviews were wildly divergent. At Fuller, however,
I am surrounded by persons who love Jesus Christ and who want to serve him, and
this has proven to be a refreshment for my weary soul. I can talk about the
important things with my fellow students, I can become real friends with them,
we can pray for each other, and so on.
As I listen to the other students
in the seminary tell about their lives and the course they took to arrive at
Fuller, I find an important common denominator among many of them. They might
have lived their entire lives as Christians, or else they might have been raised
in thoroughly secular households only to become Christians later in life. Some
of them went through periods of deep worldliness, promiscuity, drug abuse,
generally irresponsible living, alcoholism, and the rest. Nevertheless they
determined to go to seminary and wish to serve Jesus because they had a moment
in which they realized: God loves me! Even me! They came to the realization that
in spite of their past, in spite of the mistakes they had made when they were
younger, in spite of troubling events which had previously disposed them to
atheism (e.g., the early death of parents), and even in spite of their present
failings, God loves them more than they can imagine, more than they love
To my mind this is precisely Christianity: the realization
that God loves you, in spite of everything which has happened to you and
everything you've done, and that this love finds its most complete expression in
what God accomplished in Jesus Christ. There is no Christianity apart from the
message -- both its expression and its acceptance on the part of the believer --
that God loves you, and that Jesus Christ shows you what this love looks
The Bible describes this love of Christ in many different ways.
Consider the example of Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost: he tells his
listeners that they put Jesus Christ to death (Acts 2.22-3), but they may repent
and be baptized and receive the promised Holy Spirit (vv. 36-9). Now imagine
what that means! God loves these persons so much: they kill Christ, the Son of
God, and Peter nevertheless informs them that the promise of the Holy Spirit was
for them; they, the deicidal who looked God square in the face in Jesus
Christ and decided to kill him, they are promised the Holy Spirit of God who
lives in their heart and deifies them! God takes the deicidal and deifies them
even through their act of deicide -- that is the deep love of God!
is a point that Christians have appreciated throughout the long history of
Christianity. It has made its way into their literature. Consider Shusaku Endo's
novel Silence, in which a Portugese priest under persecution XVII century
Japan is forced to make a difficult choice: Japanese peasants will undergo
extreme torture unto death unless he agrees to renounce his priestly work and
'apostatize' by placing his foot upon a wooden icon of the crucified Christ. He
is not asked to renounce any beliefs, only to go through the motion of placing
his foot on the icon and to cease his work as a priest. The struggles and
tortures of the peasants audible, he lifts his foot over the icon and just at
that moment, Christ speaks to him from the icon: "Trample! Trample! That's what
I came into the world for, to be trampled upon by men."
This is the deep
love of God in Jesus Christ. It is willing to be trampled and put to death so
that you, a miserable sinner, can enjoy eternal life and fellowship with the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Apart from this act of intervention and vicarious
suffering, there would be no hope for you or for anyone; but because Christ has
died for our sins, we can have life with God and escape the destruction of
death. This is all because God loves us, as T.F. Torrance said, he loves us more
than he loves himself, and he is willing to undergo loss for himself in order
that we can gain everything.
Becoming a Christian is realizing that God
loves you, and that this love is most completely expressed in what Jesus Christ
accomplished for us. But if God loves us like this, what can be expected of us
in return except to love God and other people with the same love? If God loved
you so dearly, how can you be baptized apart from loving God so dearly as to be
willing to die and be trampled upon for him? And if God loves the person next to
you so dearly, how can you love God and hate the person whom God has made your
brother or your sister?
Christianity, to my mind, is about love and love
alone -- the love that God has for us, the love that transforms us and makes us
love God and everyone else. When you are baptized, you are uniting yourself to
that Jesus Christ who loved you so dearly, and you are simultaneously announcing
to the world that you intend to love others in the same way. It means dying; it
means being trampled; but it is what God demands, because that is what his
nature is, to love.
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