Who are we? What are we here for? Are we of
any value, do we have any significance, or are we meaningless, purposeless,
valueless, randomly assembled conglomerations of atoms which will someday come
apart never to be reconstructed?
Recently I've been talking about the
process of becoming a Christian, which is the process of assuming a new
identity. I've said that it involves forgetting your previous identity, and
assuming a new one which is like God. There's another important thing to
remember, however, and one which makes the process of becoming a Christian that
much more exciting: it is also a matter of discovering your true
I wrote earlier that Christian salvation can be understood by
the doctrine of theosis: we become like God. I want to emphasize that this
theosis is not a matter of our becoming something unlike or unnatural to us, but
rather that it is merely becoming what God had intended for us from the
As I cited earlier, Genesis teaches that humanity was created
in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1.26-7). We were made to be living
icons of God on the earth, to represent him and to embody his presence to one
another and to all creatures. This is the purpose of humanity, this is the
calling and direction that God gave it. We lost this image and likeness,
however, through sin and through downfall of the human race. Rather than being
loving and forgiving, we became hateful and angry; rather than having knowledge,
our minds were futile and darkened (cf. Eph 4.17).
There is another thing
to notice here, too. Those who live their life in sin and who think that this is
the way for them to live, according to Paul, are darkened in their
understanding, alienated from the life of God because of their ignorance and
hardness of heart (Eph 4.18). They don't understand things properly, and
that means that they don't understand who they are, either. They don't know what
they are, what they are here for, what is the right way for them to live, and so
Becoming a Christian is having your mind enlightened to your true
identity, to your true calling, to your true place in the world. It is a matter
of discovering who you really are, and finding that you are the image and
likeness of God! That's the gift that God gave humanity: to be like him.
Christianity is the lifelong process of discovering and enjoying this gift.
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