Thursday, June 18, 2015

Go Slowly, Do Not Get Depressed, Take Your Time

I have read studies where somewhere between 80-90% of all Believers come to know Christ by age 18.  And now Michael gives us a staggering statistic from another study on “the average age of coming to see that Christ was actually IN a person”…  Very interesting and comforting read for many today!

Go Slowly, Do Not Get Depressed, Take Your Time

You have shortened the days of his youth. --Psalm 89:45

I was talking to a fellow who was discouraged that at age 22 he had not seen that Jesus was his life. I laughed. “Brother, if you could know all that you need to know before entering heaven at age 22, God would not have set the length of man’s life at seventy years! Relax.”God has created this world for a purpose, and it functions under His permission. There are things that can only be learned here. We are in the process of losing all in order that we might gain everything in Him.In one study the average age of coming to see that Christ was actually in a person was said to be between 55 and 70. We simply cannot receive it all at once! We are not intended to get it all at once! We are in a process!

Perspective affects so much of what we believe, and therefore how we act.  Do we truthfully perceive that all things in this world function under God’s permission?  If so, we can trust God as opposed to “hoping” He will be involved.

It is a great relief that God has us in a process, and that we will grow into what He has for us in due time.  If we don’t get in too much of a tizzy at age 7 that we aren’t as physically developed as we will be at age 17, why should we get in a tizzy early in our spiritual life…knowing we will “mature” with time?  And, maybe better still, can those who are teachers and disciplers show a little patience with their students who are first getting revelation of some truth like “Christ is IN us”?

I KNEW who I was IN Christ for 15 years before I KNEW who Christ was IN me.  Well, amen.

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