Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Love of God

By Rebekah Royal

My precious grandson’s spent the night tonight. God has used these little boys to teach me more about the love of God than just about anything I’ve experienced in my life. Being the survivor of abuse, one of the repercussions of my experiences, left me having trouble giving or receiving love for many years. As I began to heal and learn who I am in Christ, God has removed the veil from my eyes regarding love. As a young mother of two, in a difficult marriage, my heart ached for years. God redeemed my heart, my marriage and my life and this year my husband and I will celebrate 35 years of marriage. I’d love to share with you what God taught me just last night.

As I said, our grandson’s (ages 4 & 6) spent the night last night. It was a stormy night in Georgia. Tornado warnings were announced and the lightning and thunder were present. Many times we allow the boys to bring their mattress down to the living room to “camp out.” This was a great night to do that since Nana wanted to make sure these boys were safe in this storm. We watched a couple of their shows on television as we laid on the mattress together. I had to split my time between the two with my “place” on the mattress. I cannot even express to you the joy that I feel from these two. As we turned off the television and the lights and I went to my room, which was very close to the living room; I left my door open so I could hear the least little sound. I cannot even imagine not being right there if they awakened with any need. When I thought I heard a sound I leaped out of the bed and pressed my ear in their direction. False alarm. They were sleeping soundly.

This morning Father God is bringing so many thoughts and scriptures to my mind. Luke 11:11-13 NLT, “You fathers – if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? Of if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children (And boy do I know how to do this since gifts is my love language), how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” Luke 13:34, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.”

If I am quick to my feet when I hear the least little sound of these boys, how much quicker is God to rush to our need when we call out? Do we believe this? Haven’t we all had experiences where we cried out to God and felt nothing? As a counselor, I often hear the complaints of my counselee’s who are confused, bewildered and even angry because they “feel” as though God has abandoned them. If you are there, it’s okay. But work through those negative emotions or we will continually push away his wings of shelter. We don’t have to STAY in our anger. Will we believe God’s word, or will we believe our feelings? If my heart can be stirred in the direction of my grandson’s slightest need, how much more, can a God who IS LOVE not turn a deaf ear to our cry? Friends, HE IS THERE! HE is in you! HE cares! HE feels what you feel! If HE is silent there is a reason! Will we believe truth no matter what our feelings are screaming? I can easily hear Bill Gillham’s voice in my head, “Rain on those feelings!” Those are some of the most profound words we can remember. IF HE is in you, that means HE feels what you are feeling. HE weeps with you. HE holds you in your confusion. HE never leaves you nor forsakes you. Know that HE is holding on to you until the fog of confusion leaves you. HE is giving you the faith you need to get through those painful and difficult days. HE LOVES YOU!

Oh, and guess what, grandson number three will be here in July! I never knew I was capable of such love. But then again, why am I surprised? God IS love and HE resides in me! And HE resides in you!

I have to go now. I’m hearing a sweet, sweet voice calling, “Nana, I’m awake!”

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