So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. –John 8:36
1. There is never a hint in Scripture that the solution to a believer's problem is demon
possession. The Epistles deal with a variety of practical problems from self-
righteousness to unrighteousness, and nowhere is the casting out or denouncing
of demons given as a solution.
2. For the unbeliever the condition of internal demon possession is dealt with by
casting out the demon. For the believer, the external works of the enemy
(temptation and false doctrine) are to be resisted and stood against.
3. The Greek word for demonization (daimonizomai) is translated "to be possessed by a demon." In context, it is translated as one who has a demon dwelling in him. The word is only used in the Gospels. Those who believe in the possibility of demon possession of Christians often make the distinction between possession in the spirit of man, possession in the soul (mind, will, emotions), and possession of the body. However, Jesus makes it clear that casting out the demons is analogous to casting out the inhabitants of a house (Matthew 12: 28, 29, 43-45). I Corinthians 6:19 states that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and Paul there speaks of the body, not the soul or spirit, for the body encompasses all. How, then, can it be said that the demon could be in the body of the believer but not in the spirit? The body is the Lord's. John tells us that "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world" (I John 4:4). A demon cannot enter a believer and take over, for it is God's house the demon would be attempting to enter. Remember when the High Priest went with fear and trembling into the Holy of Holies? Are we to believe a demon can enter the Holy of Holies established in the believer?
4. There are many passages that declare that Christ's victory over Satan is so complete that Satan cannot come back and take (possess) the believer (John 17:15; I John 5:18; II Thessalonians 3:3).
5. The concept of worship, by its very nature, involves the giving of attention to the respected being. Many believers devote precious time focusing on the work of Satan, hence, in some type of convoluted manner, worshipping him. So much time is spent binding, rebuking, and casting out demons that could have been spent worshipping Jesus. People that constantly focus (worship) on the demonic have an oppressed look, which they take as a proof of the great battle they are in, though the battle has already been won by the only One worthy of the fight. They have the countenance they have earned from not setting their minds on the things above.
6. "If only you had seen what I have seen!" This appeal to experience falls flat. Traveling as I do, I have seen things that I would not even pen. Though I saw them, neither Scripture nor the Holy Spirit testify to their likelihood; they merit only the trash bin. It must be recognized that Satan is a liar through and through.
7. There is the problem of categorizing as demons the deeds of the flesh listed in Galatians 5. The flesh cannot be cast out but only denied by taking up the cross. I asked a question of a pastor who was casting demons out of believers: "You claim to be casting out by name attributes that Scripture identifies as the deeds of the flesh. That cannot be done. In six months what are you going to tell that eighteen-year-old boy when his hormones are surging and he is once again lusting? Will you tell him the demon of lust returned?” His answer surprised me: "No, then we will tell him to abide!" Obviously my next question was: “If abiding works, then why would it not work in the beginning?” If the desire is to confuse and oppress, tell a believer who is struggling in mind, will, or emotions that his problem is a demon.
8. Finally, I remember when this teaching of demons plaguing the Church was introduced in the early seventies. Where are those same proponents today? If demons were the real problem with defeated Christians, then why are the same men not loudly proclaiming the message throughout the Church today? The world is getting worse. Have those men cast out all of the demons? No, the men are still around but have moved on to "new" spectacular methods, programs, and causes. Yet the old banner continues to be picked up by others.
Given the biblical truths Michael presents, and the practical application he gives, how is it that churches and individual Christians give so much attention to the devil? I can remember my adult years prior to becoming a Christian, and I do not recall ever giving any reason or excuse for my “sinful” thoughts or actions being the result of an attack from Satan. Only after being Born Again and being around Christians and in church did I ever begin to hear such talk. Do what?!?
When are Christians going to focus on who they are in Christ, and who He is in us!!!
And live in the victory over a defeated enemy won by our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ!
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