Monday, December 12, 2016

God's Love

Did you know you can cut short the time it takes for you to develop in the love of God? It's entirely possible. You can bypass all the ineffective, natural avenues people use to try to make themselves more loving. Instead, you can go after the love of God with the kind of tenacity that never gives up, even when it hurts! That's what the Apostle Paul is talking about in First Corinthians 12:31 when he says, But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

Paul goes on to say in First Corinthians 13:1, Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity [love], I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. What he is saying here is that a person can have the capacity to speak in tongues and yet still be a divider, a hater, or an envious person who causes a lot of trouble. What Paul is not saying is that a person who establishes a strong prayer life of edification by consistently praying in tongues can remain a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal!

You see, when you consistently pray in tongues for your personal edification, God will purge the old brass out of you and give you gold. He will show you a more excellent and much quicker way to develop in love.

Now, it is admittedly very difficult to die to the flesh in order to walk in this kind of love. I've certainly learned that in my own personal experience. At times it seemed like my decisions not to defend myself against the criticism of others was really hard on my pride. But that's all right--I'm never going to stop pursuing love, and my roots will continue to grow big and deep. I can only imagine what the full-grown tree will look like! I'm determined that when I go home to be with the Lord, large, healthy fruit will be hanging off a bunch of large, healthy limbs!

That should be your goal as well. Sure, it is difficult to tell your emotions to be quiet. It's never easy to let other people rant and rave while you keep your mouth shut. Nevertheless, each time you choose to do the right thing, a death process goes into operation on your behalf and nothing is stronger than the power of love, for God's love operates according to His Spirit and His Word. So the "more excellent way" that is referred to in First Corinthians 12:31 is to go after the love of God with the same tenacity you go after the gifts of the Spirit. You are supposed to pursue the manifestation of God's love in your life as much and as hard as you go after anything else God has provided for you.

          According to Paul, choosing the path of love is what qualifies you to partake of the meat of the Word, whereas those who choose to remain carnal, envious, and full of strife can only bear the milk of the Word (First Corinthians 3:1-3).

As I fall more and more in love with God, it becomes increasingly clear to me that we have to reach a certain place in His love before we can begin to walk in higher levels of His peace. That is why when we hold onto things in our lives that have the capacity to hurt others, peace is still a long way from us. Whatever we hold onto in us that has a capacity to hurt people is what will keep us from living in the peace of God. The love of God cannot pour through our lives as long as we remain carnal and full of strife, stuck on the milk of the Word.

I've said this many times before, but covet love, forgiveness, and peace with the same fervency and tenacity you would covet the thought of God using you in His gifts and power. Why? Because the more you choose to walk in God's love, the more you put into operation the authority you have been given over all the power of the enemy who wants to dominate your circumstances and your life.
What are we really fighting for when we choose to walk in the love of God? We are contending for a high level of operation within the measure of our part in the Body of Christ. We are fighting for the increase of that measure so we can come into the fullness of our calling in obedience to Christ.
Knowing this truth makes it a little easier to die to self and pursue love, doesn't it? It helps to know you are fighting for an increase of your measure in the Body. With every decision you make to walk in love, you bring increase to the Body for the edifying of itself in love!

So when someone says something ugly or offensive to you, stop for a moment and let the anointing of the Holy Spirit clear your head and quiet your heart. I know it's hard to hold your tongue, but you can do it. God will help you every time you let Him.

Let the Lord take that soul of yours and submit it to His work of edification as you faithfully pray in tongues every day. Let Him help you see people in a new light when they do things to hurt or offend. Spend time thanking Him and praising Him continually for His love that He pours out liberally, and never stop coveting earnestly a life that is lived according to His love.

Especially this Christmas season and with a brand new year coming up, I encourage you to draw on God's strength like never before and to pursue the love that Jesus came to earth to bring. Choose to forgive others their offenses against you--the Holy Spirit will help make you willing to be mortified through His power--and then get ready to experience the pleasure of walking in a whole new level of God's peace and love!

Merry Christmas to you and to those around you whose lives you touch.

Love and blessings,

Dave Roberson

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