Wednesday, April 26, 2017

He Will Keep You

I am coming to you, Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name. --John 17:11
There are always times in a believer's life when present circumstances and the baggage of the past simply overwhelm him. It is as though all of hell's forces are unleashed upon him. Emotions are confused and the mind races to find a way out, although there seems to be none. At this point it is important that the believer NOT look to his own ability to be kept. He must remember that it is God who does the keeping; if it were up to him to keep himself, he would have been overcome long ago. Therefore, each night before he goes to sleep, he can lay the future before the Lord. "Lord, I cannot keep myself, all is confusing, all appears hopeless, and now YOU keep me.” HE WILL KEEP THE BELIEVER! IT IS HIS JOB!

- Mike Wells

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