“One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do,” the song goes made popular way back in 1969 by the group Three Dog Night. Alone, loneliness, all alone, one… But, Michael gives us a beautiful perspective from God’s Word in Romans ch.14. This is a great set of truths each of us can share with someone who is experiencing the feelings of loneliness…
For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.–Romans 14: 7, 8
I suppose that there are times in everyone’s life when they feel all alone. Actually, this is an awareness of something that has always existed. A person may have always been alone but only recognize it at a time when there is not activity around him. One woman, when widowed for a short time, aptly said, “I know God is with me, but this morning I fell and there was no one there to pick me up.” In the outer life loneliness is more readily recognized; however, in the spirit and soul we were all born lonely. There has never been (in spite of the insipid teaching of having a “soul mate”) anyone who can touch our mind, heart, soul, emotions, will, and spirit. No one, that is, save One, and that One is Jesus. Psalm 25:16, “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Psalm 68:6, “God makes a home for the lonely.” If you have invited the life of Jesus to live within, you have learned that He is the only One who fills loneliness and assures you that you never were alone.I like feeling lonely and turning to Him to discover His nearness. I like the fact that He alone can fill the emptiness that is deepest within me. I cannot imagine that He wants to be that near, but He does.
The natural mind, both in Unbelievers and Believers, is known to draw either to the idea of a “soul mate.” Michael calls it an “insipid teaching.” Amen. It is most sad that a Believer would operate in the natural mind instead of the Mind of Christ that Paul tells us we have and can only “receive the things of God” with.
- Mike Wells
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