Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws. --Daniel 4:33
Man is flesh, flesh is animal, so what do you expect from yourself when you are in the flesh? What do you believe that God expects out of you? Do you really think that the depths to which you have sunk have surprised Him? He knows you! The problem is that you do not know yourself, and until you do know yourself, you will trust in, cling to, and rely on yourself. Let God lift His hand even for a moment, let Him subdue the Holy Spirit within, and you will see what, without Him, you really are.
It is amazing the things in which we boast. In an attempt to be like God we are constantly looking for that one thing that makes us a standout. Intellect is one of the most comical. There really is not much of a spread between the IQ of the learning disabled and a “genius,” but so much is made of it. Then there is wealth; around the world the man with money is about as close to being considered a god as one can come. We are fed the positives about mankind by manipulators to make us believe we are something other than flesh. Then there is great shock at what man can inhumanely do to others.
“The flesh is hostile to God.” This is an absolute. In the grace of God He may, as I mentioned, lift His hand and allow you this revelation. Being shocked at what you become is a revelation of just how blind you were to your true condition without Him. So many say to me, “I cannot believe I did that!” I can believe that they did whatever, and I know they are capable of doing far worse. Once we see what we are, we can see what He is and then come to our senses as we turn to, trust in, cling to, and rely on Him.
But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever;
For His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
And His kingdom endures from generation to generation.
All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing,
But He does according to His will in the host of heaven
And among the inhabitants of earth;
And no one can ward off His hand
Or say to Him, “What have You done?”
At that time my reason returned to me. And my majesty and splendor were restored to me for the glory of my kingdom, and my counselors and my nobles began seeking me out; so I was reestablished in my sovereignty, and surpassing greatness was added to me. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.” –Daniel 4:34-37
- Mike Wells
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