Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Call Followed By a Roadblock

For this reason I have often been hindered from coming to you.
- ROMANS 15:22

To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power.

God will often give the believer a call to accomplish something and then close every door to make the fulfillment impossible. Why? Because with the call comes a provision. The same One who gives the call must also accomplish it. However, the flesh of man will take the call and not the provision, choosing to look for fulfillment in self-power, and if completion is possible, sink into glory, kingdoms, pride, strength, and righteousness. The call and the provision are one; the problem is that we do not see them as one. Therefore, immediately after the call, all attempts to fulfill it must fail. We need not look far for an example. Joseph, after the call to be the leader of his family, actually thought it a turn of bad luck to end up in a pit. Then it was good luck to be taken out of the pit, followed by bad luck to fall in with men who sold him into slavery. Then more good luck came and made him head of a house before another turn of bad luck arose when he ended up in prison. In the end, though, he saw it was God who brought Him out. It was all God. The call and the provision were one. He completed the call with the provision and took no glory. This is to be the end result of a perfect call of God. When you get a call, do not think that is all of it. Listen and wait for the provision. Do not try to do the thing on your own. You will only end up in a pit.

- Mike Wells

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