Heaven is breaking through the veil all day, every day. Hot coffee, warm fire, beautiful sun diamonds on the river, eyes of love looking into ours, animals, children, art, grass, cool breezes, changing seasons, beautiful melodies, delicious smells, warmth, wine, great food . . . all of these wondrous gifts are received through gratitude and thanksgiving. Gratitude opens the door. Gratitude completely rewires the architecture of our brain. Gratitude opens us to receive more and more of the good which lifts us into whole new ways of seeing, perceiving, feeling in our body, and relating to others.
Gratitude creates happiness, not the other way around. Gratitude will bring us to a joy that no longer depends on happiness. Our interior life will become so rich and full of all that we are experiencing and tasting of God in all the moments of our life that we don’t need as much from others or the world anymore. Nothing that the world can give can begin to compare with this state of deep, quiet, unspeakable joy. It is the joy of Heaven.
Gratitude is the infinite giving and receiving of love between us and God and the whole of creation. Gratefulness is prayerfulness. Prayerfulness is prayer without ceasing. Gratitude is all we can offer in return for our awakening to the great Mystery in which we live and move and have our being.
Gratitude is everything.
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