Friday, December 21, 2018

Weakness, My Friend

My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.--II Corinthians 12:9

Often when I mention weakness, the Lord keeps asking me one question, “What is My strength hidden in your weakness?” It is known that every negative has a positive. I may be all too familiar with the negative, but the positive is not clear, though it seems to be coming into focus. Things I have struggled with are moving out of the shadows and coming forward into the light. The surprise is that they are not hideous monsters but appear to be tools in the hand of God. I sense there is something great there. I am convinced of something that I have taught for years: There is no one-time fix.

It is deception to believe that "the great Christian someday” will appear when we come to our senses, gain a nearly magical degree of power, never struggle again, and forever move forward without stumbling. In waiting for the great “someday,” the working out of everyday faith is excluded. The wish for “someday” is a nonissue that sidetracks us from embracing today’s path and the way it reveals our weaknesses. The ways of the flesh are such that a one-time deliverance, if given, would allow us to walk away from the One we love and the healthy dependence we must have on Him. Through struggle we continue to run to Him, initially to find victory, but because we find Him we approach for His presence alone. “Everyday” is the friend of the moment and abundance; its experience with weakness ushers us to fellowship with Him, where we hear His voice and strength is given as needed.

I have noticed one other thing. Believers are happiest giving to others of their time, prayers, finances, and attention.When I travel, something happens to me that took some time to figure out. When I am home, I have time to focus on me, on my general state. While on the road, I just do not have the time. Every waking minute is spent preparing for or actually ministering to others. Exciting things happen, there is a lift in my spirit, others have a lift, and I am enthusiastic and free. I simply do not have the natural abilities to minister in my own strength, but that weakness works for me. I must come out of myself, seek Him, and move out in faith. The solution is not to travel more, but to take more of the “traveling attitude” home with me. 

- Mike Wells

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