From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.--John 1:16
I was talking with a very caring, loving, and spiritual brother in the Lord when he made the comment that he could not understand much of Christian counseling and theology, so he concluded that it was unintelligible because he was a simple man and the information in the books he was reading was just too deep for him. It so vexes me to hear such things, for the books he mentioned were not unintelligible to him because they were too deep, but rather because they were too unbelieving. It is unbelieving man who makes the Christian life deep, difficult, and hard to understand, because he has no intention of following the simple commands of Christ. The unbelieving believer has a vested interest in saying such things as, "It cannot be that simple; we need to know more," and, "We must find the balance." The statements of Jesus to love God and your neighbor would not be classified as profound by the elitist “deep” thinkers, but for the believing they represent the river of life that never goes dry. One who has Christ is deep, among the wisest of the wise! His mind is being renewed and he leads the world! One who has Christ possesses the Way of life, and so his world is coming together!
- Mike Wells
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