Thursday, February 20, 2020


My computer guy is coming Monday. He’s competent. It will take him 90 minutes to do what it would take me four days to comprehend—and he’ll do what needs doing without saying any bad words. 

William Glasser taught that we all need to believe we are competent. We need to believe we can contribute something, and if we fail, the world will miss our contribution. 

Paul said, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).

He did NOT mean that if I trust Christ to work through me today, I will be able to build a rocket ship, speak Mandarin, and name all the birds in the Amazon by tomorrow. 

He DID mean that whatever comprises my day today, in Him, through Him, and with Him I am competent to live as He intends and envisions. In this, I am a competent contributor. 

- Preston Gillham

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