Friday, November 27, 2020

The World of Religion

 The world of religion is all about behavior management. They are obsessed with the subject of "sin." The thing they don't know is that where you put your focus determines what will manifest in your life. Science says it this way; 'Where attention goes, energy flows." The Bible says it like this: 

"People who live a sensual, earthy lifestyle put their attention on those things. Those who live by Spirit are the ones who put their focus there."

It's ironic that the thing religious people are trying to get others to avoid is the very thing they fertilize. (Consider what the best fertilizer is.) Using pious platitudes and religious regulations, they miss the whole point by directing attention in the wrong place.

Just relax. Know who you are and then live your life as your authentic self. We're all in process so give yourself a break. You're making progress everyday. Personal growth makes you real, not religious. Don't be deceived by thinking you need to do anything other than have an open heart and mind. It's in that spot that Divine Love meets us. It's in that spot we are to live our lives. That is the grace walk experience.

- Steve McVey

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