Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Representative Man (Part Two)

 The Gospel is the announcement that God has provided this Man in a way that no one could dream of in one’s wildest imagination. Before time, everlasting love and infinite wisdom produced the plan. God the Father in His great love for us determined to send His Son who, without ceasing to be God, would take to Himself our humanity and become flesh. The Son in love for us agreed to come and as a true human live out our human life, face our hardships and temptations, and finally offer Himself to die as and for us. He would rise from the dead, having put away sin and achieved the reconciling of the world to God, and bring about the new covenant. The Holy Spirit agreed to come and make the covenant a reality in the lives of those who believe.

As our representative, He is the Mediator of the new covenant. The word in the Greek literally means “a go between,”1 one who goes between two parties to bring peace. He possesses the nature and attributes of God and so represents Him to humankind; He has taken the nature of humankind (without sin) and so fully knows the needs of each one of us and can represent us to God. This is the same word that Job used— his cry for one who could lay hands on God and man is answered in Jesus.

For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.    1 Timothy 2:5

- Malcolm Smith

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