Monday, March 22, 2021


 No human being could have dreamt up the new birth and all of the realities that took place in our born-again spirits. It’s just beyond our imagination that God would indwell us and that our spirits would be as He is in this world. 

If you’ve received the revelation thus far, you can say, “I see it! I’m a brand-new person in my spirit. Old things passed away, and all things have become new. As Jesus is right now, so am I in this world. My spirit, the real me, was created in righteousness and true holiness.” 

Many people who have seen these truths, who rejoiced over them, and who were immediately impacted have since sinned or gotten busy and forgotten. Something happened and they find themselves back in some of the same negative situations they were in before being born again (i.e., defeat, discouragement, etc.). Due to their own apparent failure, they feel, Maybe I was changed, but I’ve blown it … again.  Regarding everything we’ve discussed thus far about what happened at salvation, they argue, 

“That may have been so before, but I’ve blown it so much since then that it can’t possibly be true of me now!” 

 I have good news—what God does in the spirit always remains constant and unchanging regardless of fluctuations in your performance! 

- Andrew Wommack

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