Grace is the divine characteristic that enables, furnishes and equips human beings to live in a supernatural dimension.
Grace carries the refreshing reality of God’s ongoing acceptance of us – an acceptance not dependent on our failures or successes.
Grace is God’s desire to bless us – not on the basis of our performance, but on the basis of Jesus’ performance on our behalf.
Grace rescues us from the syndrome of rejection and insecurity, the tyranny of performance orientated living and the endless anxiety associated with trying to achieve and earn acceptance by keeping laws and regulations.
Grace reveals that we are loved, valued and accepted by God as we are. Grace means that God’s correction and rebuke does not involve a withdrawal of his acceptance but, rather, a proof of his love for us.
Grace delivers us from self-effort and the heresy of the self-made person. Grace is not about what we do for God, but what God does for us.
Grace – true grace – turns disappointment into divine appointment, and failure into a stepping stone to success.
Grace brings the sunshine of heaven into our hearts; it releases us from the oppression of people’s opinions, it nullifies Satan’s accusations and it evaporates guilt and regret.
Grace sets us free to be what God created us to be – an enthusiastic, joyful, spontaneous, unpredictable, risk-taking and secure people.
Thank God for grace!
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