A. The Gospel is the good news about salvation or receiving God’s righteousness. Through having received the gift of righteousness, we are in a new position to stand in the Father’s presence with confidence. Our new position is based on a historical event in which a legal transaction or exchange occurred in God’s court. Jesus offered His blood for us as our legal substitute. Jesus paid the debt of our sin that was required to legally satisfy the claims of justice in God’s court. Grace = Gods Righteousness At Christ’s Expense.
For He (the Father) made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we (our spirit man) might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor. 5:21)
B. Righteous = innocent and holy. Or you can say: being justified. Justification = “Just-as-if-we never sinned”. God sees us as if we had never sinned. The old record of sin is removed (Rom. 6:2, Ps. 103:12). We are accepted, without any guilt against us. He sees us as if we have always perfectly obeyed Him. God sees us as 100% innocent and holy. To be holy means: we are clean and pure, sacred. We don’t look like it, feel like it, think like it all the time, but we simply are because God says so. This is who we are in the spirit before Him.
Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight.
Yes, what joy for those whose record the LORD has cleared of sin. (Rom 4:7-8, NLT)
For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. (Eph. 1:4)
(Roger comments: Two of the most liberating paragraphs I've ever read)
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