Sunday, April 17, 2022

Histories Greatest Event

 No event in history is more significant than the resurrection. It is not just His resurrection, it is also yours.

Christ not only died for you, He died AS YOU. When He died you died. Paul taught that we were crucified with Christ, buried with Christ and risen with Christ.

“I am crucified with Christ.” When He rose you rose! And that is why we are told we are invited to seek those things that are above where we are seated with Him in heavenly places. “If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sits at the right hand of God.”

As I write these words I am reminded that I have such a shallow revelation and appreciation of all that is implied in the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Christ. There are layers here that we seldom fathom.

For instance, what we’re Jesus first words when He was seen on the third day? “I go to My Father and YOUR FATHER, to My God and YOUR GOD.” In a way that was totally unique, even different than before the resurrection, we now have a relationship with God as our heavenly FATHER. Just like Jesus had during His earthly ministry. Being “in Christ” puts you into a new level of relationship with the Godhead. The new birth makes you a “partaker of the divine nature.” You have the DNA of God in your born again spirit. You are now a child of God not merely a fallen creation of God.

That’s why this is GOOD NEWS for you and me and all who are IN HIM who came out of that tomb on the third day. The resurrected Christ lives inside you.

That’s why you know you’ll be resurrected. Paul said that “Christ IN YOU” is “the hope of glory.” What hope? What glory? The hope of a glorified body just like His. Did you know that you have a supernatural SEAL on your spirit? When Jesus died, the Romans put a seal on the tomb of Christ to make it secure as government property. Likewise God put a seal on you as His Government property. “You were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.” Ephesians 1:13-14

What is “the earnest”? Earnest money is what you put down as a deposit on a property you purchase. The Holy Spirit in you, Christ in you, is the seal and deposit that guarantees your salvation and the full purchased redemption of your body.

What was the payment made for you as His property? The blood of Jesus. The blood purchased you, the water washes you clean and the Spirit fills you. These three bear witness of what I’m saying: “the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.” 1 John 5:8

~ Lance Wallnau

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