New Covenant Confession
Lord Jesus, You open the way for me to know God personally,
You came back from the dead and sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in me,
Now the ministry that You began is continuing through me,
Religion distorted God’s image, but You revealed what He is like,
He created me to be like Him, I am His offspring,
You are my model, I choose to emulate You,
The life that You live is the life that I now live,
The Spirit that anointed You now functions in me,
Understanding that unlocks Your miracle life in me,
God did His work in You, now it continues in me,
You came to do God’s will, now His will continues through my life,
Religion is a ritual, Your miracle life is alive in me,
My mission is to share Your life and love with others.
Jesus, You began to do and teach a new way to God
You showed me His life and love in action,
Thank You!
Your miracle life is unlocked in me.
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