This is a common argument from those who want to do away with the "dead letter" and be moved only by the Spirit, but it is a specious argument at best.
It denies the value of progress.
People got along fine before the printing press, therefore we do not need printed materials.
People got along fine before refrigeration, therefore leave your vegetables and meat on the table.
People got along fine before the automobile, so let's return to horse and buggy.
Simply because the Bible has been wrongly used by many for centuries is not proof that it is useless. Guns have been wrongly used by people ever since their invention. Cars have been wrongly used by people. Alcohol has been wrongly used.
It was the printing press which brought the proliferation of the Bible and other reading materials. As a result, education and learning among the populace increased. For a while, that education and learning helped to propel civilization.
Now that education is on the decline, understanding is becoming a precious commodity found among fewer and fewer people.
Christianity was propelled beyond the borders of Israel by a man who was educated in one of the best schools at the time, and in his later life still wanted his books and parchments (2Tim. 4:13).
Do we NEED the automobile? No. We can still walk, but the car makes locomotion easier.
Do we NEED electricity? No. Everything electricity does for us makes life easier, but it is not necessary for our survival.
Do we NEED the Bible? No. But having that resource has brought us a freedom of existence in both mind and matter. There is an understanding that can be gained through reading the Bible, which can be gained elsewhere through other means.
However, as in the case of the other above-mentioned items, the journey is much easier with the Good Book.
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