It is vital to have the consciousness that you are complete in Christ. And not to try to attain that which God has already said that Jesus has attained for us. You are now so utterly in love with the Redeemer Jesus, your Bridegroom, he has caught you up into Himself and made you one in Himself. Now you are conscious of love pulsating out of your heart. His is the perfection flowing as incorruptible life out from within you to all. His perfection radiates divine life through you, and you have no need to work to attain, it is His life attaining a hundredfold. You are now obedient to His still small voice, and your functioning in spiritual reality is attaining enormously the "fruit of the Spirit." Any works that the Father does not initiate is like a house built on sand, and will not stand. But living life in God's will we witness the works of the flesh barren beside Christ's manifest life.
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