“Jesus is the divine curse-remover and creation-renewer. Christ’s
substitutionary death on the cross broke the curse of sin and death brought on
by Adam’s cosmic rebellion. His bodily resurrection from the dead three days
later dealt death its final blow, guaranteeing the eventual renewal of all
things ‘in Christ.’
The dimensions of Christ’s finished work are both individual and cosmic. They
range from personal pardon for sin and individual forgiveness to the final
resurrection of our bodies and the restoration of the whole world. Now that’s
good news—gospel—isn’t it? If we place our trust in the finished work of Christ,
sin’s curse will lose its grip on us individually and we will one day be given a
renewed creation.
The gospel isn’t only about reestablishing a two-way relationship between God
and us; it also restores a three-way relationship among God, his people, and the
created order. Through Christ’s work, our relationship with God is restored
while creation itself is renewed. This is what theologians mean when they talk
about redemption. They’re describing this profound, far-reaching work by
— Tullian Tchividjian
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