Does the Grace Gospel that Jesus gave to Paul
encourage sin because there is no consequence to sinning, as accused by Grace
plus Law people?
Here is one man's response to one of my blog posts
“I wish relationship with God was based on grace because then, I can go out and
commit adultery, ...rob a bank and sin all I want because my sins past, present
and future are forgiven.” That kind of response is revealing the fact that such
a person is a “grace abuser” and in fact, has never met Grace...he has met a
concept...he has met a ideology...he does not understand the full implication
of Christ's death and resurrection. He is fully persuaded that the pre-cross
gospel of works is carried over to the post-cross gospel of Grace because, he
does not understand the person who is Grace.
Is as this person assumes, sinful living the fruit
of the Grace Gospel? This thinking that the Gospel of Grace promotes sin and
licentiousness is not only a recent belief, Paul recorded in Romans 6:1-2.
Let me ask a couple of questions...Because two
thirds of the earth's surface is water, does that give people a license to
drown themselves? Because God gave us the ability to have sex and enjoy it,
does that mean we can participate in all sexual activities without restraint?
Because you may own a gun is that a license to shoot yourself?
Preaching this distorted gospel of the grace and
law, religionists lead people to distrust the only means that would empower
them to overcome sin...GRACE.
Spurgeon had no time for this hog-wash mixing of
law and grace, that Paul refers to as “no gospel at all”
“No doctrine is so calculated to preserve a man
from sin as the doctrine of the grace of God. Those who have called it a
licentious doctrine did not know anything about it.” End Quote. I would add,
neither does the grace hating, law mixing, grace condemning religious people
Grace lovers do not promote grace sinning, because
any person who claims that sinning is not destructive not only is ignorant of
grace, he is also ignorant of consequence of sin. Oh I am aware of the doctrine,
that sinning has the eternal consequence of spending eternity in the fiery
chambers of hell fire, but to insinuate that people can sin because grace
allows them to is indicative of not knowing what sin nor not knowing nothing of
its effects in the now.
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said this about Grace; “There
is no better test as to whether a man is really preaching the New Testament
gospel of salvation than this, that some people might misunderstand it and
misinterpret it that it really amounts to this, that because you are saved by
grace alone it does not matter at all what you do; you can go on sinning as
much as you like because it will redound all the more to the glory of Grace.
That is a very good test of gospel preaching. If my preaching and presentation
of the gospel of salvation does not expose it to that misunderstanding, them it
is not the gospel.”
The religionists who accuse grace as a license to
sin, shows their profound ignorance of the gracious grace of our loving Lord.
Grace haters accuse grace lovers of condoning sin
by not condemning sin in the now. I wonder, do they accuse Jesus in the same
way because of how he treated an adulterous woman that was brought to Him for
judgement? You know what...He didn't even mention her sin...not once. He simply
said “go and sin no more” (John 8:11). Was Jesus threatening her...of course
not...He was saying, receive my gift of no condemnation and be set free from
the bondage of sin?
Grace is Jesus, to abuse and misuse grace is to
abuse and misuse Jesus...people who love Him would never do it!
“For the grace of God has appeared that offers
salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “NO” to ungodliness... (Titus
To say grace is a license to sin is to say that
Jesus promotes sinning. This is preposterous slandering if not blasphemous.
Grace's power, not the Law's power...and grace is
the only power,...that empowers people to be able to say no to ungodliness! Law
and grace mixers pollute the purity of God's grace that would otherwise set you
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