The enemy would never have us fighting the battle
where the front lines actually exist; he will always bring something to our
attention that has nothing to do with the real issue…in so doing, the believer
will more often than not be fighting a person rather than the enemy who inspires
the false thoughts that are emanating from the person.
…In the midst of spiritual battle, take time with
God; allow the realization of your being “seated with Him in the heavenlies”;
let Him show you where the proper battle lines are, so that knowing the position
of the enemy you will no longer be wasting your energies.
There is another problem with not fighting the battle
on the proper line: We can unknowingly aid the enemy in his work to destroy
other believers. When someone is acting in a way that is unpleasing to the
Lord, and we continue to bring it to his attention, what are we doing? We
intensify the problem by helping the enemy place the person’s eyes on something
other than the solution…The only hope that we have is to place their eyes on the
Savior who can deliver them from vexing behavior. None will find deliverance
anywhere else save in Christ.
As we choose to fight the battle on the proper battle
line, we recognize that the problems we see around us are manifestations of life
void (at least in the present moment) of abiding. We will then join the
struggle to see those around us abide, and in this way the problems will
Do we see ourselves giving “intensity to the
problem” instead of “placing someone’s eyes on the solution”? Wow! What a
beautiful perspective that Michael has given to all of us Christians who want to
help someone dealing with an issue. And which of us have had someone who has
come asking for help to whom we have given them more of the problem to think
about instead of focusing on the solution?
I love Michael’s statement: “the problems we see
around us are manifestations of life void (at least in the present moment) of
abiding.” I immediately thought of Michael standing there showing me his 2
hands! “On my left hand is my problem. On my right hand is Jesus. If I place
my left hand in front of my right hand…all I can see is my problem. If I place
my right hand in front of my left hand…all I can see is Jesus! What’s my
problem? Which hand I am looking at!” Well, amen.
Boy, howdy, do we ever need to get a grip on which
hand to always look to first!!!
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