True GRACE is nothing less than Jesus personified in the earth by a
Community of the Redeemed people who have abandoned themselves to Him by
abandoning the old's way of pleasing the new way...His way of
pleasing God.
It is sad but much of
religion Grace is paid homage to...only as a word...instead of the Living
Thus, the reason for religious:
hatred, rage, unloving-ness, blaming and shaming, judging and condemning,
striving and competing, man-made believing and creed-ing, leading to much
discussion and arguments about doctrine correctness. Seeing Grace through
religious spectacles sees Grace only as a word and blinds people from seeing
that it Grace is JESUS personified in His
Within grace-plus religion the
emphasis is on what God's people can do to make themselves more pleasing and
thus favorable to God. Within authentic Grace, people surrender the idea that
they can take care of reaching spiritual greatness or solving their own
spiritual problems. Grace, which comes from God in the PERSON of Jesus Christ,
involves the acceptance of the supremacy of the Jesus, our Lord and Savior. It
It is quoted that Augustine, one
of the early Church fathers, said that "God wants to give us good things but our
hands are too full to receive them. God always reaches out to us with his grace,
but in order to receive his grace we must be willing to empty our hands and
hearts of the religion that we hold near and
I wonder, if we as God's people
abandoned the religious performance-based way of relating to God and open our
hands and hearts to Him, would we manifest Grace to the point where people would
see Jesus personified in the earth in all His power and glory because the veil
of religious performance is torn down? God’s the medium of
exchange for religious performance, for the Community of the Redeemed in the
earth. God freely gives us all the spiritual resources we will ever need, if we
will only agree to accept His Grace, minus everything
All that we ever need in order to know and experience
God, has been accomplished for us in and through the work of GRACE...Jesus
- Glenn Regular
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