Saturday, August 15, 2015

Let the Dominoes Fall

What then shall we say to these things? If God {is} for us, who {is} against us? --Romans 8:31

I have met several people who believe me to be quite mad, in denial, unrealistic, and constantly seeing things through rose-colored glasses. While my glasses may rather be blood-colored, it is true that I see things differently. Remember as a child setting up all those dominoes in rows? What great fun it was to finally push them over, knowing exactly where they would end. Imagine today standing in the middle of a gigantic row of dominoes on the left and right, stretching out of sight. The choice is to push with left hand or right, having no idea where the last domino will fall. Many stand paralyzed, restrained, resigned, pessimistic, and hopeless; they close their eyes and push if they must, certain that the last domino will fall at a place not desired. I do not see it that way. I can push either side and know where the dominoes will fall. The last one will fall at the feet of the Lord. There is nothing to worry about; God is for us. 

In my day-to-day life I often describe an event by saying, “CATS! I came up cats!” It means that I was turned upside down and dropped from a high place. The expected outcome was that I would break my neck. However, the Lord mysteriously turned me over so that I landed on my feet. Cats! Everything is “cats” for me. He uses my enemies, He permits what He could prevent, and He uses the evil and flesh of men to reveal that He dwells in me. Poverty reveals His provision, sickness breaks pride, and want releases faith. Loss of control reveals that He is in control. I could go on, but why? Everything is “cats”! I do not see situations; I see Him. I may allow a situation to steal my awareness of His presence, but in His presence there are no losing situations, and His presence is ours for eternity.

I met an old Welsh preacher, well into his 90’s, full of life and wisdom. He was such a delight to be with. He was blind; it seems that as he was preparing for ministry, he discovered that he was going blind. I asked his daughter, “What was it like growing up with a blind father?”
“Well, it was not difficult! I never did, and never have, heard him complain!” 
He then said to me, “I am grateful that I am blind. If I could see I might have ended up like David. God knew what I needed. This has been the best.” He was not in denial. The dominoes had simply fallen, with the last one landing at the feet of Jesus.

Anyone who knows anything of Michael’s teachings remembers his great illustration of the “2 hands.”  On the one hand is a “situation.”  On the other hand is “Jesus.”  I choose which hand to look at.  And the closer He is to my eye, the more the situation disappears.  Hence, God’s “remedy” for all the negatives we face: “don’t see situations; see Him.”  This leads to pushing any ole row of dominoes and knowing that the last one will fall at the feet of our Lord!

Oh, we can choose to allow a situation to steal the Lord’s presence, and power, and provision…but a quick turn to Him and I have no “losing situation.”  Ever since I learned from Michael this truth about “seeing,” many situations have gone from defeat to victory in a matter of a swift glance toward Jesus!

Come on, Saints…If God be for us, WHO can be against us?!?

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