Saturday, September 5, 2015

Something to Think About


"Those that have turned the world upside down, have come here also."

I many prophets in OT times had a Bible to prophesy from....mmmmm right, a big fat ZERO! But, they had the "Word of God".

I many teachers and preachers in NT times had a Bible to preach from...mmmmm right on, a big fat ZERO! But they had the "Word of God" and were charged with turning the world "upside down" for God.

I wonder...what is the number of OT scriptures that make reference to the Bible...let me think, oh yea, a big fat ZERO!

I many OT scriptures point to Christ...mmmmm, just about all of them!

I many NT scriptures point to Christ...mmmmm, just about all of them!

I many books out of the 66 books that make up the Bible did the OT people used...let me think, yes it was a total of 5, how interesting, that makes up for a little over 7% of the whole Bible.

I many different Bible versions are in use today...the one source that I checked lists 96. Whatever version different denominations use they claim it to be the "Word of God". Isn't it odd that the different denominations that use the same version interpret it differently to substantiate the basis for the segregated denominational barns to feed the flock in.

That causes me to ponder...if the Bible is divinely inspired, without error in its translation and perfectly without error, there is only ONE CORRECT context, interpretation and understanding. Then in all that is godly, why does every denomination have a different understanding of what they claim to be the truth of the Bible?

One truth that I see in the Bible is that Christ desires UNITY of His Body, He even prayed to His Father for Unity in that His people  would be ONE as He and His Father are ONE. Now let me ask. Do you think that the Father and His Son differs, even minutely, in areas of the plan of God for the Community of the Redeemed in the Community of Humanity? Do you think the unified godhead has arguments and disagreements over spiritual matters? Do you think that the godhead would ever condone, agree with segregation of His people into denominational name-tagged buildings called churches?

It seems to me the Bible...because it is misused, abused and interpreted by fallible the source of the greatest religious DECEPTION-IZED mess and the greatest DISUNITY of the Body of Christ that was ever known. Yet, the Bible is accepted as the infallible error-less  "Word of God".

If it is, are not the people using it to valid man-made-doctrines and rituals and to form and follow different religious denominations are deception-ized by demonized untruths that brings more disrespect to the Bible and the Gospel of Christ than people who regard the Boible as a work of fiction...even though it may not be a work of fiction?

God's Love Letter to Humanity should NOT BE MISUSED OR ABUSED!

How did they do it without a Bible...Their TRUST was in the "LIVING WORD"...not the written word...Could it be that that is the reason for a graceless gospel-less world?

- Glenn Regular

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