Jesus told a remarkable story found in Luke
15:11ff about man with two sons. Even if you’ve done so many times in your
life, go read it and then come back. I’ll just wait here.
So, what did you think? It’s not only one
of the most memorable parables Jesus ever told, but it may very well be His
most revealing. Providing a clear, dramatic picture, Jesus shows us our
Father’s relentless love for his children.
Although Jesus never gave his story a
title, this parable’s most familiar title over the years is “The Prodigal Son.”
However, the actual definition of the word “prodigal” has been lost to some
extent. According to Webster, the word means…
Recklessly extravagant
Characterized by wasteful expenditure:
Yielding abundantly: Luxuriant
When you think how the father displays his
love for his son in this story, the father is also the prodigal. The father is
extravagant in the way he runs out to meet his returning son. The father is
lavish in that he had his servants get a robe, a ring, and sandals for his
repentant son. His decision to kill the fattened calf could be called a
wasteful expenditure. The feast had yielded an abundance of food. When the son
who had been such a disgraceful, disrespectful jerk returned home, the father
spared no expense with his bountiful display of mercy and grace.
Our labeling this parable “The Prodigal
Son” makes it easy for us to miss an important aspect: This is not so much a
parable about the son as it is a parable about the Father. That’s right. It’s
the Father who plays the lead role in this drama. The story begins, “A certain
man had two sons…” Had it been a story about the son, the story would have
begun, “A certain young man had a father and a brother…”
God, our Father, is the preeminent
Prodigal. He is extravagant with his love. He is lavish with his grace. His
plan is for us to have an abundant life—not luxuriant in the sense of being
preoccupied with trivial luxuries and creature comforts like fancy cars, swanky
hotels, and fat bank accounts—but more importantly, to provide us a life that
is spiritually abundant.
He has every right deal harshly with us
when we turn our back to Him, go our own way, and dishonor Him. However,
because of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ, God can now
welcomes us home by running to meet us and showering us with His outrageous
grace and mercy. And we gladly honor and follow Him now because he first loved
We love, because He first loved us. – 1
John 4:19
Note: This eGrace has been inspired by the
sermon series on “The Prodigal Father” by Pastor Frank Friedmann.
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