Saturday, May 7, 2016

Crucified with Christ

Even though the Bible clearly states that we were crucified in Christ, the overt or tacit denial of the literality of this truth by most theologians is often explained away as “positional truth.” The bare bones of positional truth is much like an insurance policy. It teaches that we Christians must physically die before we can collect the benefits. The Bible does indeed speak of experiences that will be actualized only after we leave our earthsuits, but the language in such instances carries the future tense to indicate that this is the case. Our crucifixion in Christ is exactly the opposite. It is conveyed in past-tense verbs: “Knowing this, that our old [man] was crucified with Him”; “I have been crucified with Christ” (Romans 6:6; Galatians 2:20). It’s a done deal.

The Christian who treats this teaching as if it were not present-day reality is misinterpreting God’s word. The verbs don’t lie. And we’re not dealing with an insignificant issue, such as whether you will get to name your white horse in heaven (Revelation 19:14). We’re dealing with the key to experiencing an overcoming life. God had no plan for making something beautiful of your life— that do-it-yourself life inherited from Adam. God’s plan is to kill that life and re-create you with an overcoming, obedient life—Christ as life. Christ is more than Savior and Lord; He is our life: “Jesus said, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life’” (John 14:6). God did not change your life, He exchanged your life— your old life for Christ as life.

- Bill Gillham

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