Saturday, May 21, 2016

Personal Weakness

The world’s definition of personal weakness is “a lack of individual power or strength—one who must depend on another.” By that definition, Jesus of Nazareth was the weakest sound-of-mind-and-body human who ever lived because He totally depended on the Father in Him.

Examine the temptations He endured. Satan tempted Him to go independent to satisfy His personal need of the moment: to turn a stone into bread when He was 40-days hungry; to kick off His ministry with a bang by diving off the top of the Temple and swooping in for a two-point landing; to throw off the bondage of being under submission to the Father and take over the earth—all of which would have been independent acts! Have you ever noticed that Jesus did not say that He could call down thousands of angels to rescue Himself from danger? “Do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53, emphasis added). Jesus never lifted an independent hand for 33 years!

- Bill Gillham

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