But Jesus said to him, “Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead.” --Matthew 8:22
I do not know about you, but I have had it with the media. This is not the age of information but the age of misinformation. When asked what I thought of the President, my response was, “I do not know him.” The inquirer proceeded to tell me exactly what he was like. I asked him how he knew all of that. “Well, it was on television!” Amazing! I have done the very same thing myself. Actually, I have been in different parts of the world when things were unstable or in an uproar; not once have I found it to be like the reports on television. I listened to a reporter who was purportedly asking questions. However, he was only making accusations and then writing his own commentary. The fellow being thus “interviewed” finally asked, “Who told you I ever said such a thing?” The reporter went quiet, because no one had ever said that; he had made it up. There is the constant promoting of an agenda in the media. Why is all the bad news shown on TV? The news is calculated to stir our flesh to fear, resentment, frustration, anxiety, bigotry, and divisions. Once the bad news is received and our focus is on it, we will surrender our peace to it. There is always something the world offers to stir pride, to encourage self-righteousness or unrighteousness, and to make us think the world and its “elite” must act to fix things. It is all piffle. We cannot believe any of it. I can go months without watching the news and find nothing that has changed the next time I see a broadcast. It would be interesting to look at what was reported as absolute truth last year and see where the facts lie today. This brings me to my point: Should I just keep my head in the sand and ignore the world and what is happening around me? Jesus said it best: “Let the dead bury their own dead!” The things of the world creating the mess belong to the world; let them report on it and stew over it. They are dead; let them bury their dead. Put it all aside and follow Christ; we are alive in a kingdom of truth.The scuba diver ventures into a domain wherein the things that bother the fish ultimately do not bother him, for his world exists above. What happens in the world, even if it is true, does not change our job description.
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