"What is the truth? That at the Cross God forgave all your sins - past tense. At the Cross God took away the rules and laws that stood opposed to you. At the Cross He disarmed the powers and principalities. (Colossians 2:13) He forgave ALL your sins.
You have received fulness in Christ! Fulness!
I want to shoot a sacred cow - the teaching that says that every time you sin, you have got to confess your sin in order to get your relationship with God restored again - is heresy and it is Old Covenant teaching (1 John 1:8-9) "If you confess your sins He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness". That was not written to Christians - it was written to a congregation that were a mixture of Gnostics and people who were confused by Gnostics. Gnostics were teaching that sin doesn't exist in the world, they weren't born again - they didn't believe in the blood or the Cross and John's writing to address and rebuke that Gnostic idea and that particular Scripture is telling the Gnostics - you had better get saved!
To be cleansed of all unrighteousness is when you get saved. But if you go to Hebrews 10:1-4, it warns that under the Old Covenant they had a system where you had to confess your sins whenever you made a sin and it says this didn't help them get rid of their sin conciousness - it actually was a reminder of their sins and then it says that the blood of bulls and of goats could not take away their feeling of sinfulness and guilt. It says we have a New Covenant and by ONE sacrifice this Priest doesn't do a sacrifice year after year and over and over again but by one sacrifice He has made perfect FOREVER all those who are being made holy! There is no more sacrifice needed for sin!
The next verse says that the Holy Spirit testifies to this. What? That your sins are forgiven! That you are perfect forever and that God doesn't remember your sins anymore. The Holy Spirit isn't telling you that you are a sinner - He is telling you that your sins are gone and that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Evangelicals teach yes on the Cross Jesus may have died for your sins - come to Jesus and He has forgiven all your sins. Then you come forward and get saved and they tell you; "Yes but every time you sin, your relationship is cut off with God". So then you have to confess your sin to restore your fellowship with God.
When did Jesus die for your sin? Did He die before you committed any sins? Before you committed one sin, Jesus TOTALLY dealt with ALL your sin and forgave ALL your sin (that's what it says in Colossians 2:13: "Having forgiven all your sins"). HAVING forgiven - not "going to where you confess". HAVING forgiven ALL your sins! (Romans 5:19) - God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself NOT counting men's sins against them but imputing and counting your sins against Jesus and imputing Jesus' righteousness to you.
"Rob it doesn't sound right to me!". Yes because you are thinking Old Covenant. This is a New Covenant and it is superior to the Old one and based on better promises. Stop mixing the two and getting confused! When you come to Christ He has already forgiven your sins past, present and future - they're not being counted and the Bible says in Colossians 2 we have been given fulness in Christ!
Everytime the devil says you need to confess your sin because you have sinned then he is getting you to remind yourself that you don't have the final and full package from Jesus Christ - you have got to DO something. If you have got to confess your sin to keep your relationship with God open then you never got the full and final package at salvation."
- Excerpt from the 2008 Rob Rufus sermon:
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