Sunday, November 3, 2019


Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written,“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” --Romans 12:19

Vengeance is an interesting thing in that it promises satisfaction, and yet it brings emptiness and a depletion of spirit that punishes. No vengeful people have a lift in their spirit, a twinkle in their eye, or a bounce in their walk. No! Time and experience have rendered their verdict: Walking in the flesh does not work, nor is it an option, because to participate will increase misery; quite simply, man is not suited for it. Why do we have thoughts of vengeance? Why do we want to get even? What satisfaction could come from seeing the downfall of another? 

Vengeance seems to offer us the morbid satisfaction of relieving our anger, revealing our superiority, punishing those who have wronged us, making others share in the misery they have caused, returning pain to those who offend, and making life unbearable for those we hate.In short, vengeance makes others pay. However, vengeance is a liar with empty promises! It is a leech that sucks out all we are in Christ insofar as compassion, love, and forgiveness are concerned. Vengeance depletes, starves, and in the end poisons us. The world created and held together in Christ does not support the success of vengeance. Our souls and spirits rebel and are repulsed at its slightest introduction. To walk in vengeance is to walk in self-punishment.We are not suited for it! Vengeance is not the way to life.

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