If we have worked so hard in the past to gain victory, the enemy would now have us doing nothing at all. The life of faith is a life of activity, although there is an immense difference in work that is an expression of our faith and work that is trying to produce faith. The life of Christ within us is always active. “My father is working until now, and I Myself am working.” (John 5:17) As we allow this life to flow, we will be very active. Those who live in passivity, never allowing the life of Christ to be expressed through them, are simply not abiding.
…for the abiding Christian…there will be extended periods in which no activity is overtly seen, but in the deepest parts of his being he is being strengthened for the day when life within is made apparent in fruit for those around him. Let me remind you, too, that God does not intend to resolve every manifestation of the flesh through a quick answer…we will allow the Lord as much time as He sees fit to make us mighty oaks. However, the passive believer who never shows manifestations of life is not abiding, no matter how spiritual he may sound. True faith cannot help but produce work; it is inevitable and cannot be blocked, for faith is from God and possesses His power.
Just as a tree, by the power of its life, can break in two a mighty boulder beside which it is planted, so faith is the power within you which will overcome all obstacles. It is not from you but from Him. Therefore, if you possess faith, it will be manifested. We will not allow the enemy to stifle our faith through the deception of inactivity.
One of the worst thoughts I have ever heard expressed is that “those who teach ‘abiding’ are teaching passivity.” I am not sure whether that comes from one who is misguided about what abiding is, or whether it comes from one who is mad at God about something…perhaps both. Since abiding in Christ is being so connected to Him that His life can, and will, flow through me…it is inevitable that “my life” will be an active life, but it is not me, but Him.
I summarize the most outstanding points for me as such:
· The life of faith is a life of activity.
· The life of Christ within us is always active.
· As we allow this life to flow, we will be very active.
· True faith cannot help but produce work.
· Faith is from God and possesses His power.
· Faith is the power within you which will overcome all obstacles.
· It is not from you but from Him.
· If you possess faith, it will be manifested.
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