Holy Spirit testifies of JESUS.
If what we are experiencing in any ministry of the spirit is not speaking to our identity in Christ and all the FULLNESS of this joyous blissful inheritance within us already; we are missing it.
The kingdom of God is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. So if any ministry is not connecting us to the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness gentleness, faithfulness or self control, already within us, it may not be the ministry of the Holy spirit.
What we are thinking becomes who we are. So if we are obsessing about the works of darkness or constantly looking at fallenness, this isn’t how God speaks to us.
💎 He points out the GOLD in us. He will minister to the treasure in us all.
So thinking on things, speaking of things of darkness will only produce darkness. Paul says to think on things pure, lovely, noble, true, admirable, etc because this will lead us to PEACE. He also says cast down (toss away) any vain imaginations(Image is in that word) that bombard our thinking because these are lies. They speak contrary to who we truly are in Christ! So we have to cast those lies as they try to invade our minds. Just think of a fishing rod and cast them into the sea of forgetfulness. They are not ours to own.
✨We have the mind of Christ.
Holy Spirit will always lead and guide us to all truth already. That we are complete in Him.
We must become like children again I believe.
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