I have felt an ache and burden in my heart this week. I keep hearing the phrase over and over-
Galatians 6:14 But for me, may it be never to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
2 Corinthians 11:30 If I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of the radical grace of JESUS.
Each of us if we were honest know we didn’t wake up to this glorious redemption because of one single thing we did. We weren’t even looking and instead living alienated and then the loving kindness of our Father provoked us from within. He wooed and He drew us into freedom! And yet so often, right after we wake and received this beautiful truth, we get swept into a system. And our language shifts to ministry and eventually right back onto man and self.
So often it becomes about our *church denomination*, our *prayer life*, our *ministry*, our *good works*, our *tithe*, our *worship* our *anointing*, our *calling*, our *fasting*, our *dying to self*, our*strong faith* our *number of salvations*, our *evangelism*, our *bible knowledge*, our *doctrine*, on and on this performance based weary list can go.
The GOSPEL is not what we do or what we did to get to God. It’s what we BE because HE came to us. Immanuel, Christ with us and now in us.
•It’s actually the Faith OF Jesus Christ that we even know Him.
•It’s Jesus Christ who was faithful and it was He who died so that now we will live in Union with Abba, Son and Holy Spirit.
•It’s Holy Spirit’s anointing which we all have now. It is not just for the special people at a higher level who got a special anointing.
•He is the one who saved us FOR good works but it is not our good works that gets us to Him.
It even strikes me strange now when I hear people say they had many *decisions for Christ* at an event.
Because the TRUTH is God the Father IN CHRIST as revealed by Holy Spirit is the WHO that made a decision for us! He did it all! SO THAT NO ONE CAN BOAST.
If we have any special ministry it is the one called out by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5 of seeing no one after the flesh (as they are behaving) and instead as reconciled and telling them that message, Christ reconciled you! Telling them they have been reconciled, now be who you are and BE reconciled.
And in this union we are
*Radically loved
*Wholly Forgiven
*Holy and set apart by His Love
*Fully Accepted
*Healed and made whole
This is what salvation looks like. So don’t think that prayer you prayed is what saved you. It was all Jesus Christ and His doing.
Jesus never spoke to my fallen self. He only spoke to who I am. I was blind one day like Paul and then God woke me up by the whisper of His still soft voice from within, telling me who I was! Who HE made me to be and like the lost treasure in the field I was lost, but now I am found. And that treasure always had value. It never lost its value. He woke me up to my value and my origin.
Why are we not seeing this message more in the church? Why is it more about moral superiority and us vs them and messages that sound more like “I am so glad I don’t sin like that group or that person over there”. Why is it all about man? Could it be we have begun to boast in ourselves? This is something I think is on God’s heart. A return to the Glorious Gospel of Grace.
This is not a new message. Paul proclaimed this message. Christ alone and Him crucified was His message. It was never about us and what we can do to get back to God. It was always a message of reconciliation telling people and proclaiming the day of the Lord and the good news that IN Christ we are accepted!
NOW wake up oh sleeper and BE WHO YOU ARE! All because Of Jesus Christ.
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