If you got distracted from your relationship with Jesus by the angst and anger of the politics of our time, now would be a good time to return to the Lord. We can freely participate in politics as citizens of the U.S., but we dare not put our hope there. Please don't get caught up in the Biden hatred; it will only further crush your soul. All that is still humanity's kingdom. We're part of a more powerful kingdom that, even now, is infiltrating every corner of the globe. That kingdom transcends politics and spreads not as we fight each other but as we love our neighbor and, yes, even our enemies.
Remember, God’s salvation for Israel was not found in resisting Babylon but seeing him in their disappointed hopes and expectations. We can, too. There may be rough times ahead, but one day a trumpet will blast from heaven, and voices will call out,
"The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever!” (Revelation 11:15)
Until then, we have only to remain faithful to him, to love as we are being loved, and to watch the hand of God move in the earth. These are great days!
- Wayne Jacobsen
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