Like the dog on the cover, most Christians spend their entire lives chasing something they already have. They’re always asking the Lord to do something—to bless, heal, deliver, or prosper them—when in truth, they are seeking what they’ve already been given. They believe God can do anything, but not that He has (past tense) done very much.
However, the book of Ephesians was written from an entirely different perspective: Everything has already been accomplished in Christ and given to the born-again believer. It’s both already done and already ours!
A victorious Christian isn’t seeking victory but rather enforces the victory already won through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We aren’t trying to win a battle. We’re coming from a battle that has already been won! Jesus has conquered, and we’re enforcing His conquest. (Rom. 8:37.)
As believers, we aren’t trying to get something from God; we’re fighting to receive the full manifestation of what’s already ours in Christ. We aren’t trying to get healed; we’re fighting because we’ve already been healed, and the devil is trying to steal it. We aren’t begging God to prosper us financially; we’re fighting the good fight of faith to see the prosperity that’s already been given to us manifest. We aren’t asking God to bless us, because He’s already commanded His blessing upon us. Through believing we’ve already got it, talking like we’ve already got it, and acting like we’ve already got it—we appropriate what the Lord has provided.
It’s Already Done!
Understanding that God has already blessed, healed, and pros-pered you removes the legalistic performance mentality. You won’t struggle under feelings of condemnation and unworthiness anymore, because you’ll recognize that everything has already been given. In fact, it was supplied long before you ever came along. And since it’s a gift (not based on your performance), your worthiness—or lack thereof—has nothing to do with it!
How can you doubt that God would give you something that you know He’s already supplied? You can’t! The knowledge that He’s already done it eliminates all doubt. No more will you pray, “O God, I know You can, but will You please do it for me?” You’ll know that it’s already done. The question is: Will you receive?
If you understand and embrace these truths, you’ll be ruined for much of what’s being called Christianity today. The proclamation that “God can heal, bless, deliver, and prosper you” sounds good on the surface but is just a profession of what can happen. The Word declares, “God has already healed, blessed, delivered, and prospered you.” Can you see the difference?
- Andrew Womack
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