Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

Jesus did not just come to show people a way; He is the way.

Jesus did not come so we could bask in self-righteousness; He is our righteousness.

Jesus did not come so religion could be our source; He is our source.

Jesus did not come so religious men could rule the roost; He is the Head of the Community of the Redeemed.

Jesus did not come so we could be in relationship with religion; He came so we could be in relationship with Him.

Jesus did not come to establish a religion; He came to destroy religion's stronghold on people.

Jesus did not come to establish denominational segregation of people in different name-tagged buildings called "churches"; He came to unite people as His Community of the Redeemed through unity of the Spirit.

Jesus did not come to sanction men as His  as spiritual teachers; He came to sanction His Spirit as the Spiritual Teacher.

Jesus did not come to sanction the Mosaic Law; He came to fulfill the Mosaic Law.

Jesus did not come to sanction the mixed  Gospel of  Law and Grace; He came to institute and sanction His pure Grace Gospel.

Jesus did not come to make us religious; He came to make us righteous.

Jesus did not come just to teach people truth; He is the Truth.

Jesus did not come so the Bible could be our life; He is our life

All of these "did nots" are realities of religion that came about from studying the bible to dig out operating principles to live our lives by. We are to go to the written word in order to get to know the Living Word not to subdue the Living Word by establishing rules on what we "think" the Bible says.

The devil doesn't care what or who our eyes are on, as long as they are not on Jesus. And that includes any one of  the myriad of good things that are out there to be done, like bible reading, bible knowledge, bible quoting, Sunday-go-meetings, fellow-shipping, tithing, or worshiping. Anything we do that is not centered on the living Christ is a substitute for Christ and is of the devil devilish. It is the good that is often the worst enemy of the best.

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