Monday, November 10, 2014

Have a Nice Day

“God bless you” is a common phrase, but what are we actually conferring on the recipient? Perhaps our empty words presume we have powers to remove any form of negativity from that persons day? “Have a nice day” is another one used everywhere every day and although its nice when the checkout operator in the supermarket says it to you, honestly what value does it have?

Just as Gandhi said “be the change that you seek” the mere words “have a good day” bestow no power upon another person unless we actually live our words and do something about making their day good. “Actions speak louder than words” is a phrase we have all heard but unless we take our desire for someone else’s day to be a good one by our actions and not empty words we are doing nothing more than living a fantasy.

Speaking nicely to someone is a good thing but actually believing that action-less words of blessing will in fact help them have a nice day has the potential to break down our community. God’s love for us and our love for each other is not measured by a difficulty free day or month or life. Tangible expressions of care have real power and one action is so much more valuable than many empty words.

I am working on removing “Have a nice day” and that awful question that has crept in to our society “How are you” from my interactions with people. Oh I will still use “how are you” but only when I care about the answer and have the time and motivation to act on what I hear in reply.

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