Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to Live the Abiding Life

Michael answers the key question: HOW…?  Every Christian who hears about and decides to want to “abide” is faced with this “how?”  Soak on what Michael has to say, and begin to REST and TRUST and RELEASE CONTROL and DEPEND in the One you say you are trusting to have forgiven you of your sins and will one day take you to Heaven to be with Him for all eternity.  Which is more difficult?  Christ forgiving sin and giving us eternal life in Heaven, OR taking care of us for a few years with some simple life situations (for Him) here on Earth?  Well, amen.


…The “how-to” of abiding begins not with a work, but with an attitude to be maintained.  We live in an attitude of abiding, deeply aware that He is our life.  First, we are to be constantly mindful of our true condition were we to be outside of the Vine…

…Coming to know oneself and accept the fact that in one’s body dwells no good thing is not easy, and often is accompanied by much suffering…The first step, then, is to know ourselves and carry the attitude of absolute dependence that comes from this knowledge throughout the day.

Second, each of us must take his place as one who believes.  Believing is not so much work as it is rest, not so much activity as it is receiving, and not so much what is immediately reaped as patience in the wait prior to obtaining.  Faith is waiting on God to provide in quiet confidence, something that every living creature fathoms except man, who must learn it.  Faith is enjoyable waiting and easy resting.

Third, we are aware that the abiding life is not a feeling, but an awareness.  One of the great secrets of the Christian life is that when one is filled with the Spirit he generally feels nothing, since it is the natural and normal way of life…Abiding is knowing that He is keeping us even when we cannot keep ourselves.

Fourth, we take our place as the creatures and give up our tendency and desire to play the role of the Creator.  We understand that we are His creation and with full confidence expect Him to maintain us.

Once we have taken our place as the creatures, next we resolve to live only one moment at a time…

…Life is only to be lived one moment at a time, being faithful in each to experience His life.  God will then give succeeding moments wherein we are abiding and full of His life, and these moments will soon turn into days, and finally into a lifetime of living out of the joy of the Master’s presence…Ask only for the grace that you need today…

…Each day begin with this simple confession: “This day, Lord, I thank You that I am in You and You are in me.  Thank You that no matter how I feel, I abide in You.  Thank You, Lord, that it is not a position I must struggle to maintain, for You have put me there.  This moment is all I will be concerned for.  I accept my position of abiding with joy.”

There isn’t much more I can say other than what I expressed in the introduction to today’s writing.  It still boils down to REST and TRUST and RELEASE CONTROL …and DEPENDENCE (albeit those are four things we don’t do so well most days) and…to do so “one moment at a time”, “moment-by-moment.”  Oh, yes…don’t forget, the WAY is BY GOD’s GRACE (His doing it through us…see 2 Corinthians 12:9-10).  Hallelujah!

- Mike Wells

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