Thursday, April 23, 2015

Prayed on 01.07.2012

Let's pray together.  Thank you Father that we can come this morning into your presence, and Father when we think of the weather, how it can be so cold, and windy and snow and frost, and then to come into your house here this morning and to come into your presence where there is warmth and love and comfort, shows us something of what life can be like Lord, it’s not always easy, it’s not always smooth, it’s not always just the way we would want it, and that is because life is dynamic.  And this morning as we come together, we all come from a background this week which might have been really, really busy, might have been some pain and some hurt, some confusion.  On the other hand it might have been great joy and surprise and excitement. There might have been hard work, physical drainage and emotional drainage, or there might have been exhilaration and great enthusiasm and zeal.  All of these things our Father make up the mix of life, and they are life and they are our life, that's what we've had this week.  And as we come here together as family from all of those different backgrounds, and all of the different personalities and gather in your name, and become brothers and sisters together, seeking to put aside a little bit the things that have been difficult and then opening ourselves to you in this moment and saying, “I know you love me. I know you accept me. I know you know that I've messed up. I know you know that I've fallen short, that you, you still love me and care for me and, and you want me to grow and mature and, and be all that you've purposed and planned for me”.  So we thank you this morning Lord, that that's the God that you are, your not sitting there waving your finger saying, “Tut tut”.  Your saying, “Why did you do that, you know that's not good for you, and I can see that your, you didn't want to do that, and that you regret that, let's walk on together and see where we go.”  And so Father I thank you for, for your love for each person here this morning, that you care for them desperately.  As I said to someone last night, “Do know that God really, really love's you.”  And sometimes Father we need to be reminded, remind ourselves that you really, really love us, and want the best for us.  So Lord, thank you so much for your love your care, and your very presence abiding within us in the person of Jesus and power of the Holy Spirit.  We ask these prayers in Jesus name.  Amen.

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