Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Finding Home - Part Two

 False Gods

             We often think of an idol as a statue, but an idol can be anything we use to meet the need that only God can meet. In other words, a false god.

            If a Christian is to truly practice the presence of his Lord…then the heart of that Christian must be empty of all else. All Why? Because God wills…to be the only possessor of that heart.

            Brother Lawrence

            There is no end to the false gods we create when our homing device gets misdirected. In Western cultures we often strive to feel worth and significance by acquiring money, possessions, and power. We bow down to the false gods of materialism and control. Some try to relieve their inner emptiness by trying to get approval for being sexy, talented, or successful. They bow down to a false god of fame. Some feed their hunger for Life by convincing themselves they’re special to God because they believe all the right things and engage in all the right behaviors—in contrast to others who believe the wrong things and engage in all the wrong behaviors. These bow before the false god of religion. And still others try to assuage their pervasive sense of emptiness by feeling superior on the basis of their family name, ethnic heritage, or national identity. These bow before the false god of tribalism.

            The list goes on, but the point is clear. Whatever we try to derive our core sense of worth and meaning from is our god.

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