Sunday, August 23, 2015

Do You Believe the Bible is:

There are many people out there who believe...The Bible is:


If that is our philosophy regarding the Bible and the wonder...people believe that believers are too heavenly minded to be any earthly good! First and foremost the Bible is not a book to get us fitted for heaven...rather the Bible is a book to fit us for living gracefully and godly in the earth.

The Bible and the Gospel is far more about getting the atmosphere of heaven to earth by God working in and through His people to fill the earth with His glory...than it is getting the atmosphere of earth to heaven by taking religious mind-setted people to heaven!

People are already fitted for heaven, Jesus saw to that through His finished work on the cross...the problem is getting religious-mind-setted people fit to live on the earth so they can fulfill the plan of God for the Community of Humanity by Him doing His work through religionless-believers so that unbelievers will know that God has already forgiven them and loves them so they will turn to Him (repent). But the problem will always be a problem if we refuse to break free of our religious-mind-settedness from the idea that unbelievers are only worthy of hell.

If we go to heaven retaining our religious denominational mindsets, heaven will be one messed up hell of a place...that even God would vacate.

I believe that the philosophy of the Bible, when rightly understood is:

L...and LIVING
E...the gospel in the EARTH daily

Then, if heaven is to be our final home...people who are already fitted for it, will also be fitted for earth ENTER the kingdom of God and the mission of God in the earth!

At least...that is the way Glenn sees it!

- Glenn Regular

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